Given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Woodbury Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Business to Business Roundtables on a virtual format.
The online event hosted on Zoom is designed to make connections, continue to learn from one another and be able to lean on fellow professionals for advice and guidance. The Chamber is hosting one of its virtual meetings from 11 a.m. to noon May 12 and May 19. BizRecycling will be featured during the roundtable. Each of the meetings has featured a different topic and had a focus on weathering the coronavirus impact on health and economics.
During a May 5 roundtable, Mayor Anne Burt provided a city update.
The sessions have been facilitated by Woodbury Chamber of Commerce president Laurie Stiger. To date, the meetings have taken place twice a week in the virtual format.
Admission to the roundtable is free but registration is required. The chamber is highlighting connections and maintaining them to keep Woodbury strong.